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International FM Radio Stations & DJ's Playing Our Music


2BBB  93.3 FM  Bellingen Australia  David McCrory

WYN FM  88.9 Victoria Australia  Make Mine Country Trudy Burke

WYN FM  88.9 Victoria Australia  Slinga's Indie Country Tony Slingsby

Country Harvest 88.6 FM Australia

Bay FM  100.3 Queensland Australia Bob Atkins Country Breeze

North West FM 98.9  Melbourne Australia  Frank Mc Hugh Thats Country

QBN FM 96.7 Australia  Parko Parkinson

Gerry Warren  Australia  

Dallas Miles New South Wales Australia

Peter Windle Melbourne Australia  

Honky Tonks & Heartaches Barry Wass Melbourne Australia

2XX FM  98.3 Valerie Baxter Canberra Australia

Three R Radio

Beth Brown

Bob Atkins

Kasper Smit  3GCR FM 104.7

joy Bell & Pejay Country Roads  Victoria AU


Peter Harrison  OAK 101.3 FM  AU

wayne hockings ( Cowboys & Outlaws) NSW AU

OLLIE  KLUFINSKI-KIRBY  (Ollie's Country) WYN 88.9 Melbourne AU

Big Al Field triple U FM  Nouwra AU
John Slaven, (Travelling Country) Newcastle AU
Paul matheson Queensland  AU
W G Welsh AU
Steve D (Noosa Community Radio) Queensland AU 
Pam Drescher   89.5  FM   Vic Australia,
Trevor Johnson " Country Capers " Australia
Ron Hoysted     Australia
Ann Laidlaw    Australia
Linda Mazeika     NSW Australia
Jos Bierman    Vic Australia
P Matheson  Queensland Australia
WG ( Bill ) Welsh  Back Of The Barn QLD   Australia
Frank McHugh     Vic      Australia
Dallas Miles     NSW    Australia
Lorraine Pfitzner         NSW    Australia
Del Moller    QLD            Australia
Jeff Dunn      NSW          Australia
Yvonne Bartle        Hawkesbury Radio     89.9 FM     Australia
Maureen Livingston     Country Rhythm Radio      3REG   FM 
Grahan Godkin           Vic    Australia
Sherryl Chilcott       Radio Great Southern  1422AM   & Easy Listening   1611 AM      Australia
Natalie Pozdeev    2RRR         NSW Australia
Sean Ison       Ison Live Radio     NSW Australia
George Peden   The Bunkhouse         88.6   FM    Vic  Australia
Anne Brown    Ann's Country Show     Opal FM   89.7     Australia
Terry Phippen    Tank Radio    NSW   Australia
Smoky Sheldrick   Hastings Comm Radio       NSW   Australia

New Zealand

Omamaru Heritage Radio  Evening Gospel  Wyn & Joy Machon  New Zealand

Radio Southland 96.4 FM Noel Parry & Neil Murch Invercargill New Zealand

KCR FM  Happy Lady New Zealand    

WCCR 107.5 FM Peter Shaw New Zealand

Radio 2 YOU FM  Saturday Country Lorraine Pfitzner New Zealand

Big River FM    Phil Godfrey Dargaville New Zealand

Radio Eketahuma 100 FM  Bob Morgan New Zealand

Just Country FM Network  Christchurch New Zealand  

Mike Ctossley (palerider) FM Country NZ

eddie o'strange  783khz Wellington NZ

Neil Jeffries Keep It Country Radio access 783khz Wellington NZ

Dianna Watson  Woodville NZ

Randall Cousins (Brave New Frontiers)  Countryfm NZ

Lyn Williams Lynnies Musicbox   Radio Foxton, 99.1 FM  NZ

Geoff Barkman Country Radio 88.7 FM  NZ

Gary Cooper " Simply The Best of Country " KCR FM   NZ 

Lyn Preston Big River FM      NZ

Wendy Mitchell        NZ

Val Teir  Val's Country Gospel     Big River  FM    NZ

 Bill ( Sax Man ) Bodell        NZ

Dorothy & Wayne   Duncan         NZ

R&R Lamb       NZ 

Sea Breeze FM    99.8      NZ


Massimo Ferro  Radio Voce Spazio San Michele

 Mauritzo Benevenuti      Radio Incontro


Martin Van Der Laan (Country Gold) NL

Roel Stabler  (Countryfile) Regio FM  NL

Paul Van Gelder   radio 227, Radio Waddenzee,Radio Lelystad , WOLD internet

Peelstar Country Club - Bert van der Wijst

Dick Adriansen Country Time Radio   NL

J Dijkstra  White Dove Radio    NL

John Melissen    NL

Ries Vervijmeren   Radio Rucphen    NL

George Backer   Radio Beverwijk  NL

Jac Oerlemans  Countrytrack   NL

Cor Laponder    Inn For More   NL

Martin Van Der Laan   Country Gold    NL

Bart Van Der Pol      VLOK Radio     NL

Timen Van Ark        NL

Peter Visser    Stetson     NL

Marcel Bos         Golfbreker  Radio    NL

Erwin & Diny Schapendonk      NL

Bert Van Der Wijst        NL

Michael Van Bruggen  Landslide   Radio  Landsmeer    NL


Solveig Clark  Countryradio  DK

Erik Topholm  ( The Country Channel )  DK

Anne-Lykke Elling  Copenhagen  DK

BJ the DJ  (Country Action) Syndicated  DK

Eddie Andersen  Radio Langeland  104.8 FM  DK

Leo " The Lazy Cowboy " Madsen  Lokken- Vra Naerradio 106.7 FM DK

Herbert Fischer  " Bonanza" Midtfjord Radio   DK

John Andersen  DK

Wenny B Schramm  Country Time    All Radio  103.4 FM   DK

Get 2 Country   Radio HLR    DK

Eric Topholm   Countrykanalen     DK

Lulu & Arne  Anderson         DK


Fredrich Hog  (Radio Free FM )  DE

Deiter Trenkler  (Country Music Radio) DE

The Mississippian  (Radio Berlin )  DE

Gerd Stassen " Hillbilly Rockhouse "  Radio EVW  DE

Stefan Speckman  Radio Ostfriesland    DE

Rolf Hierath Radio Rheinwelle   DE

Hansjoerg Malonek  Radio ISW  FM  DE

Herman Lammers Meyer   Town & Country Show     DE

Friedrich Hog   Radio Free FM     DE

Martin Bewernick   Radio Rheinwelle     DE

Uwe Golz     Deutschland Radio Kultur    DE

Max W Achatz  Country Jukebox    DE


Etienne Berthels

Hans Hannegraaf     American music Radio Show

Lucien Knapen   Radio Ariane

Anita Van Genechten  


Patrick Molis  ( IDFM Radio) FR

Peter Hills & Phillippe  Radio Waves International    FR

Bernard Dagorn   FR

Marion Lacroix Country Roots  Radio Arc En Ciel   FR

Jaques Dufour    The Saloon   FR

Michael Baumert    Radio bergerac  95  FM      FR

Mia Heylen    Radio Apollo  Wiekevorst


Peter Ahlm   Spanga

John Bjoersvik    Radio Sotra

Janne Lindgren    Radio Lidingo    97.8  

United States Of America

Paul A Hefti   ( Semi Twang) Sacremento CA

Christine L Linde  ( Americana) KBCS 91.3  WA

Aaron Childs  Free Radio Jackson , MI

Charlie Connor  Classic Country Music Show  KFLG  FM AZ USA

Mike Rowe   KWES/KBUY Radio  NM USA

Gracie Muldoon    MTN  OH  USA

Doc Morrill       USA


Doreen Brown


Peter Clerkin  Castleblaney . IE

Roger Ryan     Ire

United Kingdom

Dave Smith   Dave Smiths Jukebox Show       UK

Tony Smedley  Apple FM

John Morris      UK


John Bjoersvik ( Radio Sotra)  NO

Alex Cullum    Boots & Saddles

Einar Flaatin     Radio Midt Telemark  (RMT)


Tom  Kawai    Japan

Michiko & Chris  Yellow Beat      Japan


Rafel Corbi  SP

Ester Berlanga   SP

David Sutton-Rowe   Solo Country    SP


Hans Mair     Austria


Kajetan Berezowski

Faroe Islands

Petur Rouch      Country Music Roundup

if your station is not listed here please contact us to get listed


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