Triplestrand Productions Independent Country Music Radio Promotions |
AirplaySome of the Worldwide Syndication Locations served by ZFM Australia which carries our syndicated radio show. IMPORTANT NEWS PLEASE READ " update as of 10/09/2011 As you are all aware we keep track of your Airplay on a weekly basis here at Triplestrand and usually we provide a running total of Airplay accrued over a given period.What you may not be aware of is the amount of time this takes to compile every week,time that I'm afraid I just don't have to spare if I'm to do my job of promoting you guys to Radio.So effective from this week the running total coloum will be no more.If you want a running total do the math. IMPORTANT NEWS PLEASE READ Hi all , Effective immediately, we’re going to have to raise our track fee by $10 per song to $150. Not only has there been an increase in commercial postage in March, but our costs for items like cds and shipping of those supplies to our location has increased greatly over the last year, so we were no longer making our costs at the old track fee level. Plus recently, there’s been an addition of quite a few new stations on our mail out listing both here in the US and overseas. This is a GOOD thing—but it also increases costs. We haven’t had to increase track fee in over 3 years, so please understand this recent development as being influenced by items outside our control and it is our hope that it won’t ‘break the bank’ for you artists. Comments are welcome to Dixie at Dixie & Derek -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Bennye ST.Claire PhoneNumber = 512-925-6067 EmailAddress = Just saw the track cost increase. Sorry you had to do that, however it is still well below what others charge for this service. You might note that the others do not include any tracking or reporting. That is an extra charge. So if any of the artist out there want a truly great job of promotion and tracking then should use your services. For our Label Artist you have done a superb job. Gena Roberts and Chuck Cusimano are prime examples of Triplestrand promotions that have gone well and made money. For an unknow who is trying to break into the business in a big way this is the promotion company to use. I have been in this business going on 50 years and have yet to find a promotion company that does the job that you and Derek do for an unknown artist. Love you both. Thanks from Bennye, Gena, Karla, T Kaye and Chuck. Keep up the good work. Bennye St.Claire ,Texas Universal Management ,TeraJay Entertaiment ,TeraJay Records ,Nash, Texas USA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Airplay Royalties !!! Here's what one Artist & Label Says On The Subject Yeah, BMI flat out told me if the airplay for the songs is in Europe, even if we DID get any money it would take two to three years! HA! I don't much care for the ASCAP/BMI system, but they're the only players and they seem to write all the rules. I can already tell that I've sold a few downloads of 'Back to Country Time" on iTunes from the "popularity" bar next to the track name, but it takes them 4 to 6 weeks to report just how many. More "hurry up and wait" and more trusting a big old company to be honest with the little guy. To tell the truth, I'm just excited that someone, somewhere is playing my song! Many thanks to Triple Strand! Take Care, D.J. Deweese Quantum Leap Records, LLC
Triplestrand Productions Airplay Chart is now being produced in Downloadable .pdf format due to the fact that it had become physically unmanagable to continue to produce it in the format that it has been in ,also due to it's ever growing size and complexity it was taking up much needed space on the website server. A current version of Adobe Acrobat reader is needed to view the file A current version can be Downloaded Here Current TSP Airplay Chart Dixie McCorkell CMA/CCMA/ECMA Triplestrand Productions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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"Caught In Your Undertow" "This song is now one of my forever favorites . . . can't really believe that it actually came out of my head, hands and heart . . . ??? When I sent it to my radio promoter, this is what she wrote back:" "John: I'd have to say I'm on the LOVE IT side!! What a fabulous power ballad and it's great to see you coming into your own because this should be another Grammy contender! " Dixie McCorkell CMA/CCMA/ECMA The latest single release by singer / songwriter John Biord. As ever John's writing talent is evident here,with a truly professional delivery of the song to back up the lyric. John just goes from strength to strength with every new song. Be among the first to aqquire this new release, it's well worth it I assure you.
DO YOU HAVE A CD FOR SALE ? If you do why not Advertise it on our site here after all if people don't know you have one for sale they can't buy it now can they ? It does not matter WHERE you have it for sale just supply us with the appropriate link and the cover art and we will direct your potential customers to it . Remember WE DON'T SELL IT FOR YOU we just point visitors to where YOU SELL IT.All we ask for this service is $10.00 per month no minimum time limit or no maximum time limit all. Remember the key to sales these days lies in Advertising heck why do you think the Major Labels spend so much of their budget doing just that. Contact Dixie at and lets get your CD sales moving for you.
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